
Deciding To Blog or Not

deciding to blog or not

This is my first post on this blog and I am starting with very debatable topic-Whether you should blog or not?
Whether you accept it or not but almost all of us is into blogging for earning few bucks. We all want to get started with blogging and sign up for Google Adsense or whatever affiliation and ad revenue program to start earning money. (I am no exception!)

But believe me when I tell you, this approach is never going to fructify. You will never achieve the real goal of blogging (which is definitely no making money!) if you carry on with approach. Many of you may argue my statement and press on “blogging is for money” thing but no it is not. You might be able to start a blog and with little efforts and content building might be able to get Google Adsense approval but it will not give you long lasting results.

If you are someone who is blogging or wants to blog just for the sake of making money then probably this blog will not be of any help for you. Enjoy with your streak of instant blogging!

Still I believe there are many to-be-bloggers out there who just don’t wanna cash their blog but at the same time build their skills and contribute to their internet. This blog is for those guys.

In a recent Google press release there was a statement from one of the officials-

Whatever benefits the internet, benefits the Google                                                                  

Now you see my friend we are talking, start your blog with the intention of benefiting your readers and contributing to the internet you will not have to worry about anything else.

The Dilemma

There are millions of blogs already making money out there?

What is the point of adding another same niche lame blog to the list?

Will I be able to get the attention of the readers who are limited and stand out of the crowd?

All of these are really valid questions and I don’t doubt your quest at all. All I have to say is-

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” ― Henry Ford

What if you want to become a writer (I want to!) and I ask you to replace blog with book in the above questions. You are almost kicking off a career, just doubting your capability.

Whatever niche you choose there will be someone already exploring its depth, whatever you right there will be content available already in its context. So it’s unfair to quit just because you can’t think of an original niche. The idea is to be different.

The Goal

Choose a niche and set the goal. If you are too taken aback to choose a goal for yourself then let me help you.

                             Aspiring Blogger


                             AspiringProfessional Blogger

You just have to work hard enough to reach from that aspiring to professional level. Rest assured it is not that difficult.

Like any other career, blogging also requires commitment, sincerity and continuous efforts. Just don’t give up and if you are an aspiring writer then there is definitely no excuse valid enough to give up writing.

Keeping up in the race is important and it’s very simple as well. You just have to be regular. Whatever niche you choose just write regularly on it. Also don’t abandon your blog while you are writing. It is true that quality content creation needs time but not that much to make your blog look like old school. Regularly updating content is very important.

“Blogging is … to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud.”

                    -Andrew Sullivan, Why I Blog, The Atlantic

Remember these lines by Sullivan and chose your personal writing style. It will make you different from the crowd. 
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Also writing regularly and in your style gets you credibility of your readers. Always try to be loyal to your readers. They are out there waiting for your next post. Don’t dishearten them and continue original, not great but your signature content.

Get Started

Enough of nice talks now you should get started with your blogging venture. I will guide you through each and every aspect of blogging. All you need to do is just to follow the blue print I share with you and get started with your blog.

First of all you need to choose a platform to start blogging with. Wordpress and Blogger both are excellent free platforms to start your blog. Blogging with Wordpress opens endless opportunities for you like I have detailed in the link. Blogger is also excellent and comes with additional benefit of monetizing your content using Google Adsense unlike Wordpress.

If you are considering starting your blog with little investment then Wordpress is the best choice. All you have to do is to choose a reliable and cheap hosting service, install Wordpress and get started. 
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Bottom Line

I always say real blogging is not for the weak hearted. You need to commit time and efforts to get started with your blogging career.

All those claims of part time blogging and make money in few hours are total scams. There is no shortcut to success and there will never be. Working smart and consistently is what going to get you started. 

I am always eager to learn from my readers and if you took out time to go through this post I definitely would like to know



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About Mega Mind

I am not an avid blogger or expert with any of the blogging technologies but what i know is sufficient for running a successful blog online. You can know more in About Me section below.
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